AHAK! A Good Boy in the Well - I win - NOT!!!

Organizzazione Non Governativa delle
ACLI per la Cooperazione Internazionale
Sede Nazionale
Via G. Marcora,
18/20 - 00153 Roma

BATCH NO: (N-222-6747,E-900-56)

Congratulations as we bring to your notice, The Foundazion di Vittorio has chosen you by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development. To celebrate the 30th anniversary program, We are giving out a yearly donation of US$500,000 ((Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to 40 lucky recipients, as charity donations/aid from the ISTITUTO PACE SVILUPPO, ECOWAS, EU and the UNO in accordance withthen ablingact of Parliament. which is part of our promotion.

To file for your claim contact, Dr Gianlucci Carlo
with the following,
1. Full name and address. 2. Tel and fax number. 3. Sex/Age.
4. Marital Status/Occupation. 5. Country/City/Zip Codes.

Mr. Vikki Malcom
Foundation officer.


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