Money and Car Winning Scam
Dear Winner,
You are hereby inform that you have been selected for a cash prize of
500,000.00€ (Five Hundred Thousand Euro) and brand new Audi Q7 Series Car in
this year promotional competition. The online draws was conducted by a random
selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 8729,031 E-mail
addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced
automated random computer search from the internet.Each email address was
attached to a Coupon number and your email address with coupon
number:ELOCAQ7/OOOO/08/WOTEA1209KL and Pin Code number :9983721054 was randomly selected as the star prize winner amongst other consolation prize winners. Below are your winning informations
PIN CODE:9983721054
This is not a Lotto or Gambling of any sort as you know it in your country.
It is actually a promotional competition run by the European Lottery Operator
Camelot in Conjunction with the Audi Automobile Company to promote Cars-lot.( Your Payment/delivery of your car has fall into category M, which is in ESPANA. You are to Contact our accredited representative/fudiciary agent/Chamber with the under listed informations as soon as possible: with your Full Name,Address, Country,Age, Sex,Occupation, Phone number and Fax number.
CONTACT AGENT:Mr Owen Phillips
Direct tel:+34-634-694-040.
You are hereby assured of the utmost standards of confidentiality, and press anonymity until the end of proceedings, and beyond where you so desire. Be further advised to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality until the end of proceedings to circumvent problems associated with fraudulent claims.This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. Congratulations from me, members and staffs of this promotional program.
Your winnings must be claimed not later than two (2)weeks of this notification and remember to quote your winning coupon number and pin code in all Correspondence with the representative agent in Espana
Best Regards,
Engr. Kenny Bunch
Director of Promotions
Schlossplatz 20 76173,
Karlsruhe Germany.
N.B, Please do not respond to this email, you are to contact your representative agent with information above.
You are hereby inform that you have been selected for a cash prize of
500,000.00€ (Five Hundred Thousand Euro) and brand new Audi Q7 Series Car in
this year promotional competition. The online draws was conducted by a random
selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 8729,031 E-mail
addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced
automated random computer search from the internet.Each email address was
attached to a Coupon number and your email address with coupon
number:ELOCAQ7/OOOO/08/WOTEA1209KL and Pin Code number :9983721054 was randomly selected as the star prize winner amongst other consolation prize winners. Below are your winning informations
PIN CODE:9983721054
This is not a Lotto or Gambling of any sort as you know it in your country.
It is actually a promotional competition run by the European Lottery Operator
Camelot in Conjunction with the Audi Automobile Company to promote Cars-lot.( Your Payment/delivery of your car has fall into category M, which is in ESPANA. You are to Contact our accredited representative/fudiciary agent/Chamber with the under listed informations as soon as possible: with your Full Name,Address, Country,Age, Sex,Occupation, Phone number and Fax number.
CONTACT AGENT:Mr Owen Phillips
Direct tel:+34-634-694-040.
You are hereby assured of the utmost standards of confidentiality, and press anonymity until the end of proceedings, and beyond where you so desire. Be further advised to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality until the end of proceedings to circumvent problems associated with fraudulent claims.This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. Congratulations from me, members and staffs of this promotional program.
Your winnings must be claimed not later than two (2)weeks of this notification and remember to quote your winning coupon number and pin code in all Correspondence with the representative agent in Espana
Best Regards,
Engr. Kenny Bunch
Director of Promotions
Schlossplatz 20 76173,
Karlsruhe Germany.
N.B, Please do not respond to this email, you are to contact your representative agent with information above.