You want a ham for a scam?!
UNITED NATIONS (FBI/IMF ASSISTED PROGRAMME) DIRECTORATE OF INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT AND TRANSFERS, WIRE TRANSFER/AUDIT UNIT Our Ref: WB/NF/UN/XX029 (United Nation) Human Right Activist Dept On Debts Reconciliation On Foreign Payment Matters, Unit B1, 50 Bank Street London E14 5NS, London, United Kingdom. Tel: +447024071008 IRREVOCABLE RELEASE OF YOUR PAYMENT VIA CONSIGNMENT BOX. Attn: Beneficiary, I am Steve Hams, the newly appointed national security adviser to the United Nation Owed Debts Payment Recovery Commission Representative, here in London United Kingdom. I am delighted whole heartedly to inform you that the contract/Inheritance panel which is seating in London, United Kingdom territory just released your name among the presently approved beneficiaries to benefit from the diplomatic immunity payment. This panel was primarily delegated to investigate all genuinely debts and unclaimed payments as it has eaten deep into the economy of the Great Britain.